Home Podcast How Scott Pitney Found his Birth Parents on Facebook

How Scott Pitney Found his Birth Parents on Facebook


We have a very special guest today. Rafaella Gerson volunteers for Search Squad, a FREE locator group for Adoptees/Birth Parents/Family and Genealogy, that has helped many people including Your Chron’s very own Scott Pitney in his search for his biological parents.

Learn more about Search Squad at https://www.facebook.com/groups/searchelpers/


  1. Scott Very impressive work. So Brad Pitney was not your biological father? I, of course, never knew that. To me Brad was just a very nice man and a helpful assistant coach for our Comanches. As for me, I am retired in Green Valley, AZ, and doing well for an old man of 77. Tom Urquhart, Lonnie Davidek and Steve Candelari came out last November and spent a long weekend with me touring the area and attending a University of Arizona football game. Wonderful time. Coach Bob


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